In-Lieu Fee Wetland Mitigation Program

In November 2013, the Georgia-Alabama Land Trust became an authorized in-lieu fee mitigation program sponsor for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Savannah District.

In-Lieu Fee Mitigation (ILF) is part of the Corps’ resource mitigation program intended to provide off-sets through restoration and protection of protected water resources. This program is essential to the successful implementation of the Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404, which seeks to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters.

In-Lieu Fee is one of the means employed by the USACE to provide compensatory mitigation and satisfy the longstanding national goal of no net loss of wetland acreage.

More information from the Fish and Wildlife Service:

Credit Purchase Steps

1. Confirm credit availability and submit a permit application to the Corps of Engineers - Savannah District (Corps) requesting use of GALT-ILF.

2. Corps reviews and determines if use of GALT-ILF is acceptable.

3. Permittee provides GALT with permit, credit worksheets, and documentation of Corps approval to use GALT-ILF.

4. Permittee purchases credit(s) and transfers funds to the GALT-ILF program.

5. GALT uses the funds to mitigate the unavoidable impacts to Georgia’s Streams and Wetlands.

For current GALT-ILF credit pricing and availability please contact:

Cole Huizinga at (903) 249-5675 or at

To view ILF Credit Prices Click below: